What Are Common Mistakes to Avoid When Ordering 3D Fabricated Letters

When you start looking at signs, especially 3D letters, it’s simple to just look at the pretty design and forget the small details that make sure your sign turns out just right.

3D fabricated letters make your store or office stand out and look good. But if you’re not careful, some easy mistakes could make your sign less amazing. Let’s talk about these mistakes so you can make better choices.

  • Picking the Wrong Size

The first problem you could have is choosing letters that are too big or too small for where they’ll go. If they’re too big, they can take over the place; if they’re too small, they might not get noticed.

Measure the space for your sign carefully. Think about how far away people will be when they see the sign and make sure the letters are big enough to read from there, but also fit in well with the area.

  • Picking a Bad Font

The style of the letters is really important. Some styles don’t look as good when they stand out and can be hard to read. Pretty, fancy letters might be great on paper but hard to understand when made into a sign.

It’s better to choose a simple and clear style that people can read from different places. Always look at examples or a preview of your letters in the real size to avoid picking a style that doesn’t work.

  • Not Thinking About Materials

What your letters are made of is very important for how long they last and how they look. You need to pick the best kind of material, thinking about where your sign will be (inside or outside) and how much it will be touched or used.

For example, certain plastics are good for inside but might not last outside in the weather. Talk to the sign maker about what’s best for your sign.

  • Forgetting About Color and Being Seen

Another common error is not thinking about how the colors of your letters and the background work together. Your sign needs to stand out.

If your letters are too close in color to the background, they can be hard to see, making your sign less effective. Make sure there’s a good difference in color and brightness so your sign draws attention.

3D fabricated letters

  • Not Checking a Sample First

Always look at a sample of your sign before it’s finished. It seems like a small thing, but seeing a sample first can stop lots of problems.

This is when you can find any spelling mistakes, wrong sizes, or design issues before it’s too late to change them. Always ask for a sample and look at every part carefully.

  • Not Planning How to Put Up Your Sign

Last, a big mistake is not thinking about how hard it might be to hang up your letters. Different walls need different ways to put up signs; the way you hang something on a brick wall isn’t the same as on glass.

Talk to experts about how to put up your sign the right way and safely, without ruining the wall.


Avoid these common problems to make sure your adventure into the world of 3D fabricated letters goes well. Remember, the small things matter a lot when you want to make a sign that’s not just seen but also remembered. Take your time, ask for advice, and pay attention to what makes your sign stand out.

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